DE-280029 Echinacea

>> samedi 7 février 2009

DE-280029 Echinacea
Originally uploaded by = Hello Post Office =

Many thanks to Katie from Germany :)
What a pity.
The stamp has been damaged !! Hoep next time be careful -_-!
The flower on the stamp is called "Echinacea"
I have found some informations about Echinacea.
Let's enjoy it ;)
[Video Flip from youtube]
[Informations from Wiki]
Echinacea from Wiki
[Informations from Germany Post]

[German Version only actually]
Die Briefmarkenserie "Blumen" will die Menschen mit modernen und gleichzeitig zeitlosen Motiven auf die Schönheit und Vielfalt der Blumen in Deutschland aufmerksam machen. Die farbenfrohen und stimmungsvollen Darstellungen sollen dazu beitragen, die in unserer hektischen Zeit oft kaum mehr wahrgenommenen kleinen Freuden des Alltags wieder neu zu entdecken und zu genießen.

Der Sonnenhut - nach dem schwedischen Botaniker Olaus Rudbeck auch "Rudbeckie" genannt - verschönert viele Gärten mit seiner meist intensiven gelben Blütenpracht. Im Volksmund wird diese Pflanzenart auch mit anderen Namen wie beispielsweise "Sonnaster", "Soldatenblume", "Falsche Sonnenblume" oder "Goldblume" bezeichnet. Es gibt etwa 30 verschiedene Arten. Die Größen der Stauden variieren von 30 Zentimetern bis zu zwei Metern Höhe. Es gibt einjährig und mehrjährig wachsende Arten.

Die ursprüngliche Heimat des Sonnenhuts ist Nordamerika. Dort wurde er von den Indianern bereits vor Jahrhunderten als Heilpflanze gegen Husten, Halsschmerzen und Mandelentzündung eingesetzt. Die Gattung "Echinacea" ist heute Wirkstoff vieler bekannter Arzneien. Auf der Briefmarke ist eine der beliebtesten Arten abgebildet: die Sorte "Herbstsonne" oder "Autumn Sun"

PS: Hope some people can help me to translate .. Thanks a lot !


GB-61135 Machin series

GB-61135 Machin series
Originally uploaded by = Hello Post Office =

Many thanks to my British friend,Marie =)
[Information from Royal Mail UK]
One 2nd UK common stamp actually costs 27 penny.(It will increase to 30p for stamp soon Maybe in April 2009)
The price for sending a Second Class Letter up to 100g is now 27p for stamps and SmartStamp®

All the things has been changed. Even the face of Queen Elizabeth.
But one thing has never been changed.
Machin Series Definitive Stamps...
The young and charming face of British Queen is always on UK common stamps
[Informations from Wiki]
[Informations from Wiki]
[Video flip from Youtube]
A little knowledge about UK common stamps


MY-15394 Malaysia Bird

MY-15394 Malaysia Bird
Originally uploaded by = Hello Post Office =

Thanks to Sftan from Malaysia for your nice bird stamp.

也祝愿所有善良的人们,新年快乐!! 呵呵!!

It is quit a new issue in 2009.
I have chance to get a nice bird stamp :) The special postmark is clear and nice.
Your handwrting is excellent ;)

Although Malaysia Post use 4 colour offset to print the bird issue. It looks quit nice.
The designer did a very good job.
If I don't make a mistake.Maybe this is the same designer for the joint bird issue between Malaysia and Singapore in 2002.
[Link to]
[Informations and images from Wiki]
The bird of my stamp on the left side is called "Milky Stork".

a nice photo for Milky Stork (Mycteria Cinerea)
Mycteria Cinerea

A little knowledge from wiki ;)

[information from]

[a small video flip about this bird from youtube]

[Informations from]

[Link to Malaysia Post]



Originally uploaded by = Hello Post Office =

Many Thanks to my Malaysia friend Sftan =)
Firstly, Happy Chinese New year :)

Your postcard give me too my feelings and inspirations !
[video flip from Youtube]

The same feeling near the see beach and the wooden bridge......
Enjoy the moment the sea sings......
The light wind flaps smoothly on your face......
The sea birds are flying around the blue sky......
Feel free, feel good......



Originally uploaded by = Hello Post Office =

Many thanks to my British friend,Marie =)
Thanks for your nice post card about Birmingham canal !
[Informations from Wiki]
[Informations from Youtube]



Originally uploaded by = Hello Post Office =

Many thanks to Katie from Germany :)
Thanks to your great nice tourist card. It's amazing.Hope one day I can visit Stuttgart.We are not far =)

What a wonderful city =) full of culture !
[Informations from Wiki]
[Video flip from Youtube]


DE-275153 German Cover

DE-275153 German Cover
Originally uploaded by = Hello Post Office =

Many Thanks (Danke) to my German Friend,Helga :) Especially for your nice stamps, postcard and translation. Grace your help ,we can know more about Gallimarkt in Leer (Germany) . It's a wonderful place for funny and culture =)

I think it is quit a good idea for germany recent used definitive stamps.
They use flower topic.They look very nice. Like my Austria and Slovenia definitive stamps collection.They tell people to love our nature. =) Excellent idea
[Link to my other german stamps collection and Informantions from Wiki]
The left violet flower stamp. I have presented it in my other collection
This flower is called Crocus

The red one is called Tagetes. (I very like flowers =)
[Informations from Wiki]

Where is Leer in Germany ?

Sorry This info about Gallimarkt in Leer only in germany version :(
Hope one day wiki has english version.

It is more important to keep cultures and make these cultures famous all around the world!
[Information from Germany Post : Translation by Helga]

[English Version]
Today the Gallimarkt in Leer is with about half a million visitors the biggest fair in East Frisia and celebrates from the 8th to the 12th of October, 2008 the 500th anniversary of his first-time happening. The fair takes place every year on the five days after the second Wednesday in October, the day of the holy Gallus. From former days up to now the farmers should have yield for the harvest. In 1508 the sovereign of East Frisia, Count Edzard (born in 1461 and died on the 14th of February, 1528 ), obtained Leer the rights to have a fair. Originally the fair to "Gallus" was a cattle market. Nevertheless, it won on and on in meaning and developped, finally, to Leer`s most popular fair , also well-known wide outside Leer.


[German version]
Der Gallimarkt in Leer ist heute mit rund einer halben Million Besuchern das größte Volksfest in Ostfriesland und feiert vom 8. bis 12. Oktober 2008 den 500. Jahrestag seiner erstmaligen Ausrichtung. Der Markt findet jedes Jahr an den fünf Tagen nach dem zweiten Mittwoch im Oktober statt, dem Tag des Heiligen Gallus. Bis zu diesem Tag sollten die Bauern ihre Ernte eingebracht haben.

Im Jahr 1508 erteilte der Landesherr von Ostfriesland, Edzard der Große (im Jahr 1461 geboren und am 14. Februar 1528 gestorben), dem Flecken Leer die Marktrechte. Ursprünglich war der Markt zu »Gallus« ein Kram- und Viehmarkt. Er gewann jedoch immer weiter an Bedeutung und entwickelte sich schließlich zu einem weit über die Grenzen Leers hinaus beliebten Volksfest.


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